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My Realistic New Years Resolutions

Happy New Year Everyone!

Hope you all had a wonderful Holiday season! Here in Sweden Christmas isn't officially over until January 13th actually, so I'm gonna keep enjoying.

After resting, being surrounded by family and loved ones, I feel so ready for the new year. I've been thinking really hard about my expectations for 2018. I always love new beginnings. At the start of each new year, I write down all my goals for the new year. I'm full of ambitions and dreams as I write, but pretty often I don't get quite as far as I aimed for. Maybe I'm not completely sure of what I want and how I'm gonna get there. So this year I've decided to be very concrete with my plans and dreams.

Looking back on 2017, I can see that when I was most successful in reaching my goals, was when I had a certain date set. For instance I was very determined about when I wanted to sell my condo. As I was getting closer to the deadline I actually panicked a little bit, but as I let go of that feeling I got very focused and efficient. 

I won't get into details on what my hopes and dreams are for this new year. You might not be that interested in that as a matter of fact, haha, but what I want to share is how I think you could make those dreams reality. 

So about those goals for the new year... 

1. Make plans and set deadlines. To get started I'm going to take a few hours and sit down and write down what my plans are. Then I will set deadlines for each week and each month. 

2. Figure out how to make it possible. If you want a major change in your life, you have to figure out how to make it possible, and plan for it ahead of time. Every time I failed at making a change I wanted to make, it was because I was too late in putting the wheels in motion. (I'm a time optimistic... maybe my New Years resolution should be to change that, haha).

3. Gain energy. I give a lot of energy through my work, and I love that about my job. I do however need to find activities and situations where I can get really energised and inspired myself. I also need to eliminate things and situations that is draining me out of my energy.

4. Be in command of where I'm heading. I've met a lot of people through in my life that is not in command. Yes, you can go with the flow, but you also need to be aware that if you don't make a choice, life will make a choice for you! Is that what you want? I want to sit at the driver's seat of my life and decide myself where I'm heading.

5. Make it possible to do what I wanna do. What am I trying to say here? Well, let me explain: In order for me to get a work done, or head in a certain direction, I might need to prioritise my time in a new way, or prioritise financially in a different way.

6. Preparations. I feel so often like things are getting in my way when I'm trying to do something, and things end up getting pretty hard and draining. I'm gonna make time this week to prepare and organise to make my life a little easier. 

7. Do life with the people I want to do life with. My pastor says: Show me your friends and I'll show you your future. Isn't that a good one?!! This just dawned on me a few years ago, that I actually had a choice. Share your life with people that are uplifting, that makes you laugh, gives you energy and that you can share you dreams with. Life is too short not too.

8. Believe in myself. Sorry for the cliche, but I feel like I've been very hard on myself this last year. So many times have I doubted myself and where I'm heading. This year I'm gonna let go of that I remember that we all got a purpose. 

Wishing you all a lovely first week of the year!



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