20/40 Bash


It's Monday again, and a little bit of spring is in the air. I'm starting to feel alive! What a difference some sunlight does!

On Saturday we celebrated my sister and brother in laws forthieth birthday, PLUS that they've been married for 20 years! Try to fathom that!!! I can't. 

Getting married when you're 20 years old is one thing... Staying together for 20 years is kind of amazing! Congratulations! 

It was a really fun party with lot's of wonderful singers performing and awesome musicians playing. I feel spoiled for having such talented friends - to get to listen to them all, and to have them backing me up on their instruments when I sing, is just the best.

Daniel Cummings is just out of this world!!! You need to listen to his music. That voice man, that voice... 

My sister asked me to sing a John Mayer song and she got a John Mayer song. I also held a little speech (for the second time in my life). How nerv wracking it is to talk in front of a crowd... even though I know most of them! I really felt embarrassed, but I also really wanted to say something at such a big celebration to two people that mean so much to me, and to whom I'm so close. It's okay to be a little cheesy those times!

Friends, lovers or nothing...

Swedens best piano players, Daniel Stenbaeck and Ted Hector, playing for each other and inspiring each other (and me). I asked if they wanted to hear some of the chords I take, but I can't say they showed that much interest in my piano skills! Haha!

There's something magical about balloons...  Watch out, Scarlett is about to fly away!

This is how we party! Never knew helium balloons could be so much fun!

I loved how my sister decorated the place. She thought of the decor, ordered some stuff online, and then went in the same day and just decorated.  She's also an amazing cook and made all the food (Italian buffet). I would have never been able to make that part happen. I will make a blog later on how to make a place party ready!

I did try to help out a little bit with the decoration preparation, but not as much as I felt I should have. So when the party was over, and all the cleaning started, I stayed and helped out. I must admit that the thought didn't occur to me when I left home, so I did not bring any clothes to wear for cleaning, but must importantly, I didn't bring any other shoes!!! There's that moment, and it can come soon, it can also come later, when pumps just start hurting like MAD! That happened JUST when I was starting to clean. No, I'm not lying, and yes, I still stayed and cleaned. Just to be clear: 

These shoes are NOT optimal for cleaning... and neither is the dress.

Ouch, my poor toes are still sore. 

Then there is that moment, when you realise:

1. We forgot to put the painting back up.

2. It's impossible to put the painting back up.

Everybody was already stressed because we had very limited time, and everybody was very focused. It was not the time to laugh, but on the inside I was laughing so hard when I saw my brother in law and my dad trying to get that painting back up. I had to sneak out and grab my phone and take a picture. Later, when I was in bed and started sending my family that picture, we all cried with laughter. It looks like my dad is fencing with a halo on his head, or some sort of headlamp. And that posture!!! And that facial expression! Dad, you're the best for letting my post this on my blog! Too fun not to share.





On a Cold And Windy Monday Such As This

Hey all!

If you are in Sweden and are reading this, I think you feel my pain. It's so freaking cold out. I was yelling as I walked down the road: "It's soooo coooold! I'm panicking!" Since I'm in Stockholm everybody pretended that it didn't happened and walked on minding there own misery.

I could not smile more, my face was too frozen.

I could not smile more, my face was too frozen.

I don't know what it was, but it was a BATTLE to get out of bed this morning, and even after my super strong cup of coffee I just couldn't get myself started on all the work I needed to do. I decided to give up and go down to the gym. I started off with a class called 21 minutes. It was really intense and a really good workout, but it was not enough. I need some weightlifting for my back to get stronger and decided to do an online class out in the gym. I leaned my phone against the wall on the floor and started my exercise. After a while I realised that I got funny looks from the huge gym men. Why is that, I wonder, and still wonder... Is it because it's lame to do an online class out in the gym? Or was I disturbing people? Well, I'm disturbed myself by people just sitting there staring at themselves in the mirror while looking huge and muscular. Work out or get out of here!

I tried to run some errands, but it was just so cold. Had to sneak into a bistro and get a cappuccino. 

My advice for the week: Dress warm and drink warm to stay warm!

You take care now!



Happy Birthday Big Sister!!!


Today I wanna take the opportunity to dedicate this blogpost to my big sister! I have two, but it's Evelina's birthday today. I was trying to pick out a photo to post on instagram, but I just couldn't decided on one. So many fun memories, I just had to share some of them with you all. And Evelina, this one is for you!!! 

From Evelina's release of her album "Take Me To the Cross" that I got to be a part of.

Everybody who knows us, knows we have a very special bond. We text each other so much each day it's almost unhealthy, haha. I get a: "Are you alive?" if she haven't heard from me around 10 am. I think what made our relationship so strong, is partly because of music. Even when we were in different stages in life, we always had music in common. There's no-one I love singing with more than with my sister! I'm so happy to have someone that I can turn to for musical feedback, or talk ideas and so on. Also, starting and leading a choir together was so much fun.

One dear memory is actually from when Evelina was in like 7th or 8th grade, and I was still in elementary school. I think I had been to the dentist, and was on a bus and my sister walks on the same bus with her cool girl pals from school. I was thinking that I better not disturb and didn't even say hi. I was sitting in the back of the bus watching them, thinking they were so cool, when all of a sudden my sister noticed me. She was so surprised seeing me there in the back and called: "Johanna, what are you doing back there? Come sit with us!"

Sounds like a silly memory, but I loved that about my sister growing up: kind, caring and fun to hang out with. I think I was pretty annoying, because she once told me she's happy I remember it that way, because she remembers hitting me all the time! Haha!

Another very dear memory from my childhood is about this time when I was walking over to this girl I played with all the time. Let's call her Lotta. We had planned to hang out that day. We always had fun and she was really sweet. But this time this other girl from our neighbourhood was there, and she was REALLY bossy, and would decide who could join and who could not. Let's call her Lisa. When I showed up they were jumping on a trampoline. Right at the moment as I walked in Lisa meanly told me: "You can't join us! Only the two of us can jump!".

I felt so stupid I instantly turned around and walked back home. As I was sitting there watching TV, trying to hold back my tears, Evelina walked in. Not knowing I went through a minor crisis, she tried to be silly and joke with me like always did and said: "Johanna, I think you sound just like Cyndee Peters when you sing!" Hilarious, and also a nice compliment. I love Cyndee! Great singer! I don't think I sound much like her though, especially not as a kid :) Anyway, to Evelinas shock I bursted into tears. Evelina abruptly stopped laughing and looked horrified and quickly said: "Noooo Johanna, I was just joking!!! Of course you don't sound anything like Cyndee Peters!" (That whole conversation is just so funny thinking back at it. I'm laughing as I'm writing). I cried out: "It's not thaaaaat! I walked over to Lotta to play, and Lisa was there and told me I couldn't play with them".

My sister got so furious! She said: "Let's go there". We walked over to Lottas place. My sister walked ahead of me, and I was hiding behind her. She furiously asked Lisa: "Why would you tell my sister that she can't be here? This isn't even your place, and you don't decide!" I was standing there in the background, really enjoying the freaked out expression on Lisas face. When Lisa didn't answer, my sister turned around dramatically and said: "Come on Johanna, let's get out of here!". Then we walked away, went to the candy store and got... well, candy, and walked home and watched a movie and had a really good time!


We've traveled quit a bit. Here's from our first trip to the USA. Look at us on that picture on the left, hanging in New York, and Evelina posing on the beach in California. No, that's not a little boy on the pictures... that's me!!! Mom, why didn't you tryyyy to do something about my hair???

And those times she came to visit when I lived in LA...

Spring 2015 we spontaneously went on a trip to LA together. 

Evelina, thank you for being who you are! Jag älskar dig! Grattis på födelsedagen!


Raise Those Jazz Hands, It's Almost St Patrick's Day!

Happy Saturday!

It's the weekend! How are you guys? Any fun plans?

Last night I went out for dinner with my dear friend and namesake Johanna. (Let's call her Jo D from now on to spare you the confusion). As I walked into the cozy restaurant I was taken aback at how loud it was in there. I know you're gonna judge me, but I have to admit I said to the restaurant host: "We booked a table, but it's very loud in here!" And before we were seated we got to check the noise level by walking around in the restaurant. I just turned 80 just like that! But whatever... I seriously don't wanna get deaf, and I definitely wanna hear what my friend is saying as we eat our dinner! After our little check we decided on staying. I love this place, but they must suffer from the noise level in there.

When it was time to order I noticed that our (sweet and professional I must first add) waitress had the most sharp and penetrating voice I've ever heard. When she explained the menu I was dying on the inside because my sensitive ears were hurting so bad. I literally shivered when she talked because I felt physical pain! Hahaha, I just heard myself being that old lady again, but that's the price you pay for doing music all day - you'll get overly sensitive ears!!! I don't wanna ruin them even more. Johanna saw me shiver and we laughed so hard about it. Hopefully the waitress didn't notice. Would be rude. I think that poor girl has worked up that talking technique to make herself heard at this lovely but noisy restaurant.

Jo D and I were just into a very deep and meaningful conversation when all of a sudden this little Stockholm restaurant turned into a New Orleans jazz festival. Check out that video if you don't believe me.

I guess that was the restaurants St Patrick's celebration... hence the green outfit!?! Where's the bagpipes though? I suppose the Irish likes to sing New Orleans jazz on St Patrick's Day?!? "Oh when the Saint Patrick's, go marching in..." Come to think of it: Wasn't it the Irish Americans who started celebrating St Patrick's Day first? Must be the mix of it being big celebration in Chicago with the parades there and stuff, that made it jazzy! When I lived in LA it was just an excuse for people to get out and get extremely drunk. This little jazz parade made our night! Stockholm needs more of this to spice the stiffness up! However, the restaurant should know it's not coming up for another week or so...   Also, I was thankful for my custom-made earplugs I have with me at all times. Having a trombone playing straight into your lil' ear can leave anybody with severe hearing loss.

Look at Jo D, a.k.a the jazz queen, dreaming about the good ol' days when she got to sing jazz all day long! I used to be her back-up-vocalist in our younger days. The most advanced harmonies I ever sung, and I loved it! Kept me focused! Start that jazz trio now Jo D!!!

Blurry but happy!

Blurry but happy!

It feels like I've been critical of this place, so I don't wanna tell you where we went. But let me tell you what, they have such amazing tuna! Haha, I leave you with that teaser. I've longed for their tuna since last time I was there, and will long for it 'til I go there again (with the risk of getting deaf). There are so many cozy and cute restaurants all over Stockholm nowadays! I love exploring and finding new places. Hit me up with good places to go to. With that being said, I just tried to sing a little bit, and I feel and hear myself being really horse! Listen up all restaurants: Keep the volume down. I can't go out for dinners if I'm gonna ruin my vocal cords! Take these words of wisdom from the old lady here.

Now, onto my tasks for the day. The place needs to get cleaned, and the music arrangements needs to get done!

Have a great Saturday, and word of the day: Protect your hearing!



Non Sport Activities

Hi there!

How's everyones week so far? Around this time of the year schools in Sweden have what we call Sports Break. As a child and also as a teenager I used to go on skiing trips with my church every year. It was the best!!! I longed for it all year. 

Although I wouldn't say no to a skiing trip (yes, I know how to ski) it's just that for starters I think it's really cold to ski in Sweden in February, and to go somewhere abroad feels really tricky. Secondly, I don't have any ski equipment. And finally, I'm too lazy to arrange it. So instead I'm here in Stockholm. 

In Sweden we also have something called "Fettisdagen". Translated info english you get "Fat Tuesday". And that's exactly what it is. It's actually a Christian tradition and comes from fasting before easter. Obviously before you start fasting you need some extra fat. It's now tradition in Sweden to eat semla on the fettisday, which occurred on tuesday. I should do a suger fast after this week, FOR REAL. (I'm eating candy as I'm writing... but after this ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. On to a healthy lifestyle!!!) 

Me and my semla.

Sadly my dear friend Lindy moved back to Oslo, Norway on Tuesday. I found myself crying as we said our goodbye at the train station. I'm really sensitive after living abroad to saying goodbye. Before it was surreal and easy to say goodbye, but I think I know now what it really means. With that said: we're just an hour apart... but it won't be the same :(

I have the cutest niece! Her name is Scarlett, and she's 5. We have "girls nights" when just the two of us hang out and we have a sleep over party. 

I had to get this t-shirt!!! It says: "Watch out! I have a crazy aunt, and I'm not afraid to use her". Yep. it's true! Watch out y'all.

We just had one of our girls nights yesterday, but we switched it up a little bit by having a girls day first. She came over at 11 am, and we went to check out the Swedish designer Lars Wallins exhibition "Fashion Stories."

I didn't know if Scarlett was gonna enjoy it, but she had a really great time! They had this little mini cinema where you could watch a documentary about how Lars makes his dresses. Scarlett took the initiative to watch it, and we watched the whole thing. I was kind of impressed when she walked up to the drawings  afterwards and informatively said to me: *Here's his drawings". 

Lars Wallins drawings of dresses.

Lars Wallins drawings of dresses.

Year after year after year I've kept all my barbies and barbie stuff from my childhood. They been packed in boxes, stacked up in my attic, because I knew someday I would be thankful I saved them. Scarlett loves playing with them. (And me too). I get so nostalgic looking at all those little dresses and dolls. That mess though when she pulls everything out, haha, and look at Barbie and Ken making out!!!

 In the evening we ate "gourmet food" and had girl talk!

You know she's saying something important when she's waving around that little hot dog like that!

We ended the night with watching movies, and she just never fell asleep! I think she was up later than she's been in her entire little life. Sorry sis! I hope you let her have more sleepovers here!!!

Totally engaged in the movie!

My favourite part is eating breakfast together. On her first sleepover I happened to have hot cocoa and marshmallows home. She was so delighted, and now it's tradition.

The only hard part about our girl hangs is actually when she goes home! Soooo lonely!!!

I was not driving while taking this picture - cause I'm a really safe driver!!! But seriously... WATCH OUT Y'ALL, we're both crazy!!!

Before I say bye... Here's this weeks home decor inspo:

I inherited that table from my grandmother when she past a few years ago. I didn't know if it was going to look good at my place before I brought it there, but it sure did, and I just love it more and more. The most amazing part is that it's handmade by my grandmothers grandfather sometime in the 1800s. I used to have it in my kitchen before I remodelled, but now I feel like it really found it's spot there as my jewellery table.

I apparently have a thing for vases, and I move them around and make little arrangements - this week with little springlike flowers. Don't forget to add the pink dets, like a big pink candle! I know it's crazy much going on in my window frame, but I couldn't stop myself. Must be spring feelings :)

That's it for this time people!

Have a lovely weekend!


Kind People Are My Kinda People

Hey y'all!

A fun, productive and great week has come to an end! Here's some highlights from the weekend.

Fridays are always so good. I get to sleep in, work out, and then I usually have some vocal students coming over for their singing classes!

Some of the wonderful people that have been vocal coaching lately!

Some of the wonderful people that have been vocal coaching lately!

On Friday night I went out for dinner with great friends. It's bittersweet because my dear friend Lindy will soon leave us and move back to her motherland Norway! Like she says: "Att det går ann" Thank you Lord it's only an hour away.

I have to say that I met some aggressive people out Friday night! You know, Swedes are very sun deprived at this time of the year, and I SURE noticed that. It made me think that I wanna be more kind, smile more and show more tenderness! (And I will stay home until spring comes around and people are happy and friendly again). Lelle and Lindy bring such joy into my life. Thank you guys for being my friends, and for a lovely dinner.

Sunday Funday

Love Sundays... Church, lunch and time to relax.

Tuna and toast skagen in a very pretty environment.

Long lunches and no hurry - that's my kind of Sunday

'Til next time...



While Longing For Spring...

I'm against living your life just waiting for another season to arrive. That's not how I wanna live my life... but I'm over the cold weather now! With that said; I'm still hopeful, cause I can see some signs out that spring is actually on the way! Although it's been AWFULLY COLD lately, the mornings has been so much lighter this week in Sweden. As I'm typing, the sun is shining on me through the kitchen window. So beautiful. Today's blog is about what I do to bring more spring into my life. It's only february, but whatever.

I'm such a rebel not wearing a jacket even though it's freaking cold out!

I'm such a rebel not wearing a jacket even though it's freaking cold out!

Before I start talking about how I bring spring closer, I wanna share the best event of the week. I started up my choirs Soulful Voices on Tuesday and I'm so excited! So many new people, and I think almost every member continued from the fall term!!! I was especially happy to see this very talented friend join the choir! 

Me, Mats and my tea cup from the Beverly Hills hotel!

To bring spring a little closer I decorate my home with some spring colours. I can't get enough of greeneries, which I put all over my place. Makes me so happy.  

Hello little cute vase and beautiful greenery!

Hello little cute vase and beautiful greenery!

Pink is really hot this spring, both for décor and to wear. When I remodelled last spring, I went from having a lot of colours on my walls, to having it all white and grey! To bring some life to my home I have some pink décor. Look at these pillowcases.

Me today. Really needed to rest up.

Me today. Really needed to rest up.

Don't forget to buy tulips! Don't wanna live without having at least one buqet in my home. 

Don't forget to buy tulips! Don't wanna live without having at least one buqet in my home. 

I teach my vocal students from home, so I try to make my home guest friendly with scented candles, any kind of candles and plenty of guest towels!

And finally, I wanna wear light sweaters and vests! It's so cold right now, and vests keeps warm without making me feel like I’m wearing tons of clothes. It makes playing the piano and conduction choirs much easier than if I'm wearing a big sweater. I also need that hat to warm up that head of mine :)

Love and sunshine to you this weekend!



My Royal Blog

Sometimes I just love to live in Stockholm more than other days.  Yesterday was one of those days when it felt like I was visiting somewhere abroad and wished I lived in that city... only I actually live in this city!!! 

Myself and two wonderful girls from my choir, whom I now got the pleasure of calling friends, went to the Royal Palace together to look at the bridal dresses.  I have to start by saying: what a beautiful day we had in Stockholm yesterday. After several grey, foggy and dark days without hardly any light, the sun was shining and the sky was amazingly blue. Although it was really cold it felt like spring is on the way!

I've actually never been inside the Royal Palace in Stockholm before. What else have I missed? I need to start doing more touristy things on Saturdays. 

We started off by walking around in the Palace. Definitely worth a visit! Pretty impressive interior.

I really like our Swedish Royal family, and I love dresses. Look at these beauties:

After our touristy Royal Palace visit, we went for lunch at Berns Bistro. 

That's a big bottle of oil right there... Don't want any misunderstandings :)

That's a big bottle of oil right there... Don't want any misunderstandings :)

I have a thing for cute things, and I think it fits perfectly well to drink an espresso from this one after a day at the Palace.

I have a thing for cute things, and I think it fits perfectly well to drink an espresso from this one after a day at the Palace.

Thank you ladies for a delightful day at the Royal Palace. Let's do this soon again!

Thoughts After the Weekend

Happy Monday everyone!

Today I've been trying to wrap my thoughts around everything that I got to experience this weekend. My thoughts are a little bit all over the place, but I just wanted to share it with you, cause I feel so encouraged, uplifted and inspired - all at once. 

My church, Hillsong, celebrated 10 years as a church this weekend. It started out with about 19 people, and this is what it's looks like today! Isn't that amazing!

Love this song "Let There Be Light" and to sing it in this beautiful Gospel arrangement by my sister Evelina.

I'm so thankful that I get to be a part of this. Not only do I get to hear some of the best speakers in the world, but this weekend I also thought about all the wonderful friendships that I have, thanks to my church.

One of the guest speakers were Carl Lentz. I will not try to retell his sermon (hopefully you can hear it on a podcast if you weren't there), but he talked about making the most of each moment, being a work in progress and how that's okay, and taking it step by step. 

Yes, I thought! I can do that!!! 

Carl Lentz - Hillsong New York

Got me thinking of this song that I've been singing with my choir Soulful Voices. Here's a little piece of it. 

Also, I've got a new book on my nightstand (I don't actually have a nightstand, but it sounded kind of fancy. It's really a stack of magazines). Steven Furtick has written a book called  "(UN)QUALIFIED". I love listening to his sermons on podcasts, and can't wait to get started with this book. Did anyone read it?

I've been spending my Monday planning songs for my choir. It's gonna be a lot of good music, and I can't wait to share it with my choir. Since I'm full of inspiration, I'm gonna get back to all that planning now.

Have a wonderful week everyone! 



My January Kick Off

So the new year is here. I guess you all started working hard again. So have I. Although I'm always exited for a new year to start, it's also a little hard to get back to reality in January. If you don't live in the north like I do, you might not understand the struggle, but let me tell you: January and February can be a bit brutal here in Sweden. So I made a little list of what to do to give the new year a good start. Here it is: 

If I could travel right now...

I would go to Maui. I can't, because I have to work, and I need to save up for it, but maybe I can inspire you to go!

The Maui trip was one of the best trips I've ever done. I went there with my dear friend Michel. I was living in LA at the moment, so it was of course pretty easy to get there.

I didn't know what to expect of Maui. Was it going to be too similar to LA? Oh my goodness... It was like a paradise. The ocean was so beautiful, people so friendly and lots of things to see. Also, I got away from all the stress in LA. My only regret was that I stayed too short. I have to start to plan my trip back there. 

While looking for some pictures, I found all those video clips from the trip, so I made a little video. I must warn you before you watch: beware of some silly content. What can I say, I was even more silly in my younger days, but we had a blast. Enjoy!

The Best of Maui!

Sun Powder

For those of us who can't travel to a warm and sunny place in January, there's always sun powder! Haha! If you can't go to the sun, you gotta do what you gotta do! One of my best friends, who's name is also Johanna (no, I'm not talking about myself) accidentally bought a YSL sun powder in a too dark shade. Since she's so generous she gave that one to me. I just love it.  It looks so glam and I feel so much more fresh, and it stays on all day. 

Had to try it out right away.

Had to try it out right away.

Yves Saint Laurent, Les Sahariennes Bronzing Stones.

I really love the box and the cover case that it comes with too.

Dinners with good friends and fun events

When it feels like forever until spring is here, and after all those glowing Christmas decorations are out, we need fun things to do. It's easy to just stay home and watch movies when it's so dark and cold out, so I try to get myself out as much as I can.

Me and Johanna eating at Haymarket, Stockholm.

Me and Johanna eating at Haymarket, Stockholm.

This Saturday I went to Disney on Ice with my sister, my niece and my nephew. Each year they give me a ticket as a Christmas gift. Isn't it sweet!

There's cultural happenings. At the end of the month, I will go to the Royal Castle and look at all the royal wedding dresses. 

Everything doesn't have to be costly. If it's a snowy beautiful night, you could go out for a little walk like I did. Might wear different shoes next time though :)

Another thing that would make the new year start out fun, would be to learn something new.

I would like to learn how to ballroom dance. Who can recommend a place in Stockholm where I will dance as good as they do at Dancing with the Stars at the end of the year? 

And hey, you could join my choir! How about that?!? We have tons of fun!


I love to organize. I'm a bit manic when it comes to keeping my home clean and to keep each thing on it's place. A good start is to throw things out. Give away some clothes that you're not wearing, (I can't even move my clothes in my closet at the moment) throw out stacks of papers that takes up space, and organize you're cabinets so life goes smooth. I bought this thing from Muji to organize my makeup brushes. You gotta love Muji!


It's easy to wear all black and dark in the wait for spring to come, but why not try to wear a little bit of colours?!? I got this cardigan this fall, and I'm not exaggerating when I say that some people hug me when I wear it. 

Stop dreaming and start planning

Time to get started with all those dreams you have for the new year. Set up goals and start working towards them. Where do you wanna be at the end of 2017? What do you need to do in January to get there? And what do you need to do today?

I'm stressing myself out, haha! I'm gonna get started right away.

That's all for this time folks! 'Til next time...




Highlights of 2016

At the very end of each year I’m taking some time to think back at the year, and then I'm reevaluating and setting new goals for new one to come.  2016 has been a really great year. I've had some hardships, but after all it all worked out for the best. I feel so blessed to have some many wonderful memories to look back at, and that a lot of hard work made it all worth it. 

On todays blog I’m going to focus on the highs of 2016, because who wants hear about lows in this festive season? Here’s some memories I cherish the most, and people, and moments that very I’m grateful for.

FIrst off, my family!

Friends, and colleagues who has turned into friends

The annual Christmas show at Hillsong Stockholm, This Is Christmas at Hovet, Globen


Another awesome trip to LA that made coming back home very hard this time.



My choir, Soulful Voices

Our concert on December 6

Our concert on December 6


I finally remodelled my entire home. Here's my favourite place, my kitchen.

Thank you everyone who's a part of my life and makes it so wonderful! 
I can't wait to see what 2017 has in store. Happy new year everyone!


For years I’ve made the mistake to just book every single moment up before Christmas. As a result I have blackouts from previous Christmases, and that scares me, because I usually have an awesome memory, if I may say so myself.  Also, I think I did my Christmas decoration past the first of Advent last year. That’s not okay!

In spite of my blackouts, I do recall a weekend a few years ago, when I was a part of way too many acts at the same time. Early Friday morning I first conducted a Lucia concert at the school I was working at, then ran out to the rental car and drove like a maniac straight down to Jönköping to sing at a concert called “Det klingande julkortet” Friday and Saturday.

After the last concert on Saturday night I got my butt right back into the car to drive back to Stockholm, this in spite of the very, snowy, icy and foggy weather. I had no idea it was so hard to drive long distance at night in the wintertime in Sweden. It had not been that long since my move home from Los Angeles, and I was convinced that I could drive far late at night. My poor parents tried to stop me, but I insisted it would be okay.

I started driving at 10 pm and soon realized it was a bad idea. I overate candy and drank diet coke to stay awake. I should have turned around, but stubborn as I am I kept driving. At one point I almost drove off of a bridge because it was so icy. I was on the verge of tears.  All of a sudden the rental car scared the heck out of me when it started talking: “You’re tired, take a break!” Well you’re right about that dear rental, but time is of the essence here. After about ten minutes, as I was sliding around on the road, the car spoke again: “It’s icy. Be careful”. Well thank you! I kind of noticed.

The car wouldn’t let it go. Again it said: “You’re tired, take a break”. I must have been a really terrible driver for it to talk that much. If you insist, little rental, I thought. I pulled over at the first gas station, but of course it was closed.  It suddenly spooked me out to be there, all abandoned.

As I got back on the road again, I accidentally started driving south instead of north, and of course there were no exists so I wasn’t able to turn around for about half an hour. I had a total meltdown in the car and cried out: “Why God, whyyyyyy?”

A drive that usually takes three and a half hour, took a little bit longer this winter night. I think I was home at 4 in the morning.

The following day I was rehearsing for yet another Christmas concert. As I was standing in the spotlight high up on the stairs, dressed in a big fur singing traditional Swedish Christmas carols, I felt so dizzy I almost fainted. I thought to myself: This is bad Johanna!

Sadly I haven’t really improved that much after that Christmas, but this year I want to be better. I really do! I have decided to not say yes to every single request, just because there’s an opening in my calendar. So instead of singing on the first of Advent, I decided to help my sister out with her kids for some good ol’ family time. It felt like an excellent idea to take my niece Scarlett (who’s turning 5 today) and nephew Elton, to the cute Christmas market at Skansen. The fact that it started snowing heavily in the morning didn’t change my mind.

As we drove towards Skansen the snowing increased. After we got out of the car, everything was a struggle. Immediately Elton and Scarlett kind of got completely covered with snow. A vague feeling came over me, that perhaps we should turn back. After just a few steps Scarlett tripped and fell in the snow. She didn’t really complain, which I think she was kind of entitled to. Instead she followed me back to the car. As I tried to lift her up to the passenger seat, she just passively hung on to me. She might be really light, but it was hard in the snow so we ended up almost falling into the ditch. I managed to prevent that by pushing Scarlett up towards the seat, and we ended up laying on our bellies, me on top of the poor child, towards the seat. Well, as you can hear I’m the excellent babysitter every child should have. Elton, who was standing watching the whole thing, started laughing, and I joined in, which made it even harder to push Scarlett up.

Well, this didn’t stop me. When the snow was sort of gone from the entire Scarlett, we finally walked up to the entrance of Skansen. We were already cold and covered with snow, and just gave each other a knowing look and agreed that we’d rather have some hot coco and sweets at the cozy place across the street.

After our almost visit to Skansen we were off to church. The drive there is material for another blog, but let me just say we were not on time. I have to admit; when I finally sat down at church, I was slightly exhausted from all the snow, wind, walking and driving.

I had a great first of Advent. I hope that my niece and nephew wants to hang out with my at some point in their lives again! If anybody wants me to take your children for some cultural outdoorsy activities, just call me!

Enjoy this peaceful Christmas season everyone!





About time...

Hello there!

Since I love to write and share pictures, I thought it's about time I start blogging! I've been journaling since I learned how to write, and have my grandpa´s old suitcases packed with finished journals. 

Some weeks I'll write more, some weeks I'll write less. I hope you will enjoy it!

I will start by sharing a short video from yesterday. I had a "choir day" with my choir Soulful Voices. We are practicing for our concert on the 6th of December here in Stockholm. I LOVE Christmas and to sing Christmas music. This song has been with me since I was a teenager, and I've been singing it with my choir for the last three years. 

Now I'm off to the Berwald Concert Hall to listen to Putte Nelssons choir concert!

Happy Sunday y'all!


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